Young people in the UK: how has lockdown changed your approach to the future?

Credit offers

Lockdown has led to soaring rates of unemployment, and with that, decreasing job prospects for young people. For a generation that already faced record house prices, some young people have changed their approach to the future, from job choices to money management.

We’d like to speak to people aged 25 and under about how their attitude to the future has changed.

Share your experiences

Have you been investing money for the first time, or changed your career plans?

Apply for a credit card

You can get in touch by filling in the form below, anonymously if you wish or via WhatsApp by clicking here or adding the contact +44(0)7867825056. Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions.

One of our journalists will be in contact for publication before we publish, so please do leave contact details.

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