The radical right are hiding in plain sight

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My only income is a state pension but we pensioners don’t need urging to donate to charity (Letters, 13 December). I give my £100 share of the winter fuel allowance to charity (divided between the Guardian and Waitrose/John Lewis this year). As a treat, I spend my £10 Christmas bonus on a slightly more expensive bottle of wine than I would normally buy.
Consella Fahy
Crewe, Cheshire

I am surprised that the professor of government at King’s College London does not recognise the Conservatives as the radical right party in our legislature (Letters, 15 December). I had already accepted John le Carré’s definition of a fascist state in a letter further down the same page.
Jill Adams
Moseley, Birmingham

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Dear Roger (Letters, 14 December). Thank you for your Christmas list. I understand you’d like an election and renewed membership of the EU. My elves are rather overstretched at the moment gift wrapping portable loos for the main approach roads into Dover. So how about a toy naval gunboat? Lots of little boys are wanting one this year. Keep behaving yourself. Love from Santa.
Jenny O’Shea

After a lifetime of studying English, I have never come across the word “autarkic” (Editorial, 14 December). Now, when asked by my son what I get for the £2.20 cost of the Guardian, I can say truly: education, education, education!
Trevor Rawlings
Urmston, Manchester

Was the £45,000 Boris Johnson gave to Dominic Cummings (Report, 15 December) a pay rise or just his mileage allowance?
Alan N Frost
Salisbury, Wiltshire

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