How has your attitude to money and spending habits changed during the pandemic?

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The pandemic has changed many aspects of our lives this year, but one of the starkest changes has been our relationship with money. Lots of people have been thrown out of work or put on furlough, and are having to cut their spending accordingly. But even people who have kept their jobs are spending less. Some are anxious about the future and are saving for a rainy day. Others can’t spend even if they’d like to: shops and restaurants are closed, and we are travelling less – for both work and pleasure. Even the wannabe spenders are having to save. Will this produce a revolution in our attitude to money?

How have you found your spending habits and view of money changing in the past eight months? Are you spending less? What are you buying less of now? Or, indeed, more of. Has lockdown driven you to spend more selectively and devote your cash to the things you really appreciate?

If you have been able to work from home, how much is that saving you and can you ever imagine going back to your old life? Or has lockdown made you want to rush out and buy something outrageous as soon as you can in a mad burst of retail therapy?

Share your experiences

Please tell us how your attitude to money, spending and “stuff” has changed during 2020. We will be looking to collect your thoughts and experiences, and then do a range of phone interviews based on your responses for an article to run in G2.

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You can get in touch by filling in the form below, anonymously if you wish.Your responses are secure as the form is encrypted and only the Guardian has access to your contributions.

One of our journalists will be in contact for publication before we publish, so please do leave contact details.

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