Blood donations are still going on

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As a regular blood donor I can confirm that donor centres are open and that travelling to give blood is classed as essential travel (Letters, 2 December). Slight changes have been introduced to ensure safety during the pandemic, but what is unchanged is the lovely NHS staff and the great choice of snacks afterwards.
Emma Harbour
Milton, Cambridgeshire

The Treasury stands to get a supermarket cashback of £2bn (Where Tesco leads on business rates relief, others should follow, 2 December). It should hand it straight to the 3 million self-employed who have received not a penny’s worth of government support in the past eight months.
Claudia Pritchard

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To be fair to Denton station (Britain’s least used railway station served just 42 passengers in 2019, 1 December), it is a parliamentary service (legal fiction) and has only two trains on a Saturday: the 08.56 from Stalylbridge to Stockport, and the return one hour later – leaving just enough time to buy the Guardian and get a coffee at Stockport.
Peter Gorry
Furness Vale, Derbyshire

The headline of your long read (3 December) calls the death of 66 fans at Ibrox in 1971 “football’s forgotten tragedy”. Not forgotten in Scotland, I don’t think.
Margaret Vandecasteele
Wick, Caithness

In Michigan you can ascend to Paradise from Hell (or descend from, into) via the Mackinac bridge (Letters, 3 December).
Anthony Tweedale
Brussels, Belgium

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